TGIF: Walking && Lists! –#3

(Oh no!  I’m sorry, I forgot to post this the other day!!  Oopsie!  I am going to do a post right now, so be on the lookout for that!)


Happy Friday!  Today I got injections!  (Well, actually not today, but I’m posting this on the day of my injections!)  Anyways, Happy Friday!  As usual, I will be suggesting a few things to do this weekend, and share things I’ve been loving recently.

WRITE: Your favourite vacation you’ve ever taken.

PLAY: This!  So cool!

READ: This article.  It’s so cool!  Another great find on stumble upon!

MAKE: a list!  LOL..they are always fun to do, and they help keep you organized!  If you have an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or a Macbook with an app store on it, try getting the app ‘Wunderlist’.  It’s great for making lists!

LISTEN: Let go by Frou Frou– this song is totally not my style!  It’s kind of a strange song, and I didn’t like it at first, but if you kind of  listen to the lyrics and give it a chance, it’s actually a pretty relaxing song.

DO: Go for a walk!  Get some exercise!  Plan out a bit of a route, and just walk!  Enjoy the first signs of spring!  (finally!)

So that’s about it for this week!  I’ll talk to you guys…idk…sometime soon!  It probably won’t be for a couple of days unless I pre blog..we’ll see!  Have a great weekend!